
  • Looked over examples of binary in the Binary Logic blog
  • Examples of logic gates and emojis seemed interesting because showed input and output and an interesting frontend with emojis

  • Questions:
    • How do you use binary to output emojis?
    • How do you use binary for logic gates?
      • Isn’t it just if else statements and user input?


  • Have instructions on the left side of the screen that tells the user to respond to questions at the logic gates

Logic Gates

  • Based on the answers of the user, it will produce a certain emoji
    • Ex: The user’s day was good and they got good sleep so it will output a happy emoji using binary


Frontend Design

  • This code prepares the user inputs and ids that the Javascript will evaluate and produce an output
<!-- options for which logic gate the user wants to select -->
<select id="gate">
  <option value="d"> Please Select</option>
  <option value="1">AND</option>
  <option value="2">OR</option>
  <option value="3">XOR</option>
  <option value="4">NAND</option>
  <option value="5">NOR</option>
<!-- 2 different true/false binary values the logic gate will evaluate -->
<select id="v1">
  <option value="d"> Please Select</option>
  <option value="b1">0</option>
  <option value="b2">1</option>
<!-- 2 different true/false binary values the logic gate will evaluate -->
<select id="v2">
  <option value="d"> Please Select</option>
  <option value="b1">0</option>
  <option value="b2">1</option>

<!-- when button is clicked, populate the input -->
<input id="result">
<button id="buttonId">Run Logic</button>

Frontend Javascript

  • This code will take whatever the user inputted and apply logic gates to produce an output
// get the id of the run logic button and when it is clicked, run the logic function
document.getElementById('buttonId').addEventListener('click', logic);

// function that evaluates the output depending on the logic gate
function logic() {
  var elGate = document.getElementById('gate');
  var elV1 = document.getElementById('v1');
  var elV2 = document.getElementById('v2');

  // d is the value of the 'please select' button so if it isn't clicked, get the value of the gate value and convert it into an integer(1,2,3,4,5)
  var gateValue = elGate.value !== 'd' ? parseInt(elGate.value) : undefined;
  var v1Value = elV1.value === 'b1' ? false : elV1.value === 'b2' ? true : undefined;
  var v2Value = elV2.value === 'b1' ? false : elV2.value === 'b2' ? true : undefined;

  var result = 'Invalid result';

  // switch case statements that evaluate the logic of the gates
  if (v1Value !== undefined && v2Value !== undefined && gateValue !== undefined && gateValue > 0 && gateValue < 6) {
    // since gateValue was converted to an integer, the case will be 1,2,3,4, or 5
    switch (gateValue) {
      // AND gate
      case 1:
        result = (v1Value && v2Value) ? 'true' : 'false';
      // OR gate
      case 2:
        result = (v1Value || v2Value) ? 'true' : 'false';
      // XOR gate: different inputs mean rue, same inputs mean false
      case 3:
        result = ((v1Value && !v2Value) || (!v1Value && v2Value)) ? 'true' : 'false';
      // NAND gate: both inputs true mean false, else output true
      case 4:
        result = (!(v1Value && v2Value)) ? 'true' : 'false';
      // NOR gate: both inputs false mean true, else output false
      case 5:
        result = (!(v1Value || v2Value)) ? 'true' : 'false';
  // set the value of the empty output box to the value of result
  document.getElementById('result').value = result;

Further Design

  • We’ll expand these logic gates to emojis
    • So it will ask a question and the user will input yes or no(1 or 0)
    • Based on the input, it will produce an emoji

Expanding Logic Gates

Interesting Circuit Diagram Idea

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram Image