Will not work for external internet users because this homework list runs on Python Flask.

Homework List

from flask import Flask, render_template
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timezone

app = Flask(__name__)

# prepare url and authorization key
base_url = 'https://poway.instructure.com/api/v1/'
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer API_TOKEN'

# api endpoint decorator
def homework_list():
        # send a request to the AP CSP Canvas assignments Canvas API
        response = requests.get(
            base_url + 'courses/141645/assignments', headers=headers)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            # if the response is good, convert the response into json
            assignments = response.json()

            # get the current date and time in UTC timezone
            current_date = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

            # filter assignments with due dates in the future
            future_assignments = [assignment for assignment in assignments if assignment.get(
                'due_at') and datetime.fromisoformat(assignment['due_at']) > current_date]
            # this actually displays the json data and future assignments in an HTML page
            return render_template('homework-list.html', assignments=future_assignments)
            return " to retrieve assignments. Status code: " + str(response.status_code)
    # runs if response code is not good
    except Exception as e:
        return "An error occurred: " + str(e)

if __name__ == '__main__':
<li class="checked">
    <!-- displays the JSON data  -->
  <p>Due Date: </p>
  <p>Description: </p>