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Skincare Ingredients

Many commerical skincare products are not actually good and contain harsh ingredients. Be sure to check the ingredients in your products before buying them.

Click the button!


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/student2/assets/css/skincare-ingredients.css">

        <!-- javascript will grabs these ids to create actions on click -->
        <p id="message">Click the button!</p>
        <button class="ingredient-button" id="ingredientSwitcher">Ingredient Switcher</button>

      <!-- links to switch -->
        <a target="blank" href="https://incidecoder.com/" class="ingredient-button" id="inci">INCIDecoder</a>
        <a target="blank" href="https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/" class="ingredient-button" id="ewg">EWG</a>

    <script >
    // variables to grab message, button, and 2 links
    const ingredientSwitcher = document.getElementById('ingredientSwitcher');
    const message = document.getElementById('message');
    const inciButton = document.getElementById('inci');
    const ewgButton = document.getElementById('ewg');
    // when button is clicked, switch the inner html and hrefs of anchor tags
    ingredientSwitcher.addEventListener('click', function () {
      // creae variables that grab href of anchor tags
      const inciHref = inciButton.getAttribute('href');
      const ewgHref = ewgButton.getAttribute('href');
      // console.log(inciHref, inciHref === 'https://incidecoder.com/');
      // if inci button has inci link, switch the innerhtml to opposite link and inner html
      // do the same with the ewg
      if (inciHref === 'https://incidecoder.com/') {
        inciButton.setAttribute('href', 'https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/');
        ewgButton.setAttribute('href', 'https://incidecoder.com/');
        inciButton.innerHTML = "EWG";
        ewgButton.innerHTML = "INCIDecoder";
        message.innerHTML = 'Switched!';
      } else {
        inciButton.setAttribute('href', 'https://incidecoder.com/');
        ewgButton.setAttribute('href', 'https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/');
        ewgButton.innerHTML = "EWG";
        inciButton.innerHTML = "INCIDecoder";
        message.innerHTML = 'Switched Back!';